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Risky Business 25th Anniversary 16/09/08 Z1 DVD et Blu-ray Empty Risky Business 25th Anniversary 16/09/08 Z1 DVD et Blu-ray

Mer 2 Juil 2008 - 16:08
Warner Home Video has announced a 25th Anniversary edition of Risky Business which stars Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay. The Paul Brickman directed film will be available to own from the 16th September, and should retail at around $19.96. Extras will include a commentary by Tom Cruise, director Paul Brickman and producer Jon Avnet, an alternate ending, and a new making-of documentary. A Blu-ray edition will also be available for $28.99 with an additional video commentary function, and a digital copy of the film for transfer to a PC or portable device. We've attached some early artwork below:

source :

Risky Business 25th Anniversary 16/09/08 Z1 DVD et Blu-ray Riskybusiness3d

Risky Business 25th Anniversary 16/09/08 Z1 DVD et Blu-ray Riskybusinessbd3d

Dernière édition par M@DRÉ le Jeu 3 Juil 2008 - 13:15, édité 1 fois

Nombre de messages : 23709
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2005

Risky Business 25th Anniversary 16/09/08 Z1 DVD et Blu-ray Empty Re: Risky Business 25th Anniversary 16/09/08 Z1 DVD et Blu-ray

Mer 2 Juil 2008 - 19:07
au panier et vive les années 80 !!!
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