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Manga Spy x Family Tome 13 édition Collector : ...
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Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2018

German collector needs a little support ;-) Empty German collector needs a little support ;-)

Mar 6 Fév 2018 - 12:30
Hello from Germany,

I run a little collection of mainly life size figures with some smaller statues here and there. Over the years I have bought quite some pieces from French collector‘s pals (Nicolas V, Boris, angreacum species etc) and never had any bad experience. At the moment a user on this platform is offering two items I‘d love to own...unfortunately he doesn’t want to sell them to me as I don’t live in France though I’d be happy to pay upfront. Anybody willing to help me? I’d pay upfront/absolutely no risk just need somebody who could help me finalize the deal as the seller told me he would ship to France only

Thanks in advance and Greetings

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