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Project AKIRA Empty Project AKIRA

Sam 10 Mai 2014 - 21:01

ça m'intéresserait de voir ça aboutir !!

The Akira Project is a crowd-sourced, non-profit project meant to create a live action fan trailer of AKIRA, the renowned manga-turned-anime film from the late 1980′s; a stunning example of both mediums as art forms. While Hollywood has been working on a live-action Akira movie for a few years now, we, as fans, wanted to take a shot at making our own adaptation. A chance to stick as close to the source material as possible. A chance to do Akira Justice.

We launched an Indiegogo campaign in July 2012 as part of a crowd sourcing effort to make this project come to life. Many people contributed not just financially but offered their time and talent to help the production that was shot in Montreal, Quebec from November 2-5th 2012. What started out as a simple idea between two guys having a beer (Hey! It'd be cool to see Kaneda ride his bike around Neo-Tokyo!), became a global endeavour, filled with adventures and hurdles, involving more than 40 artists in 12 different countries.

After a year and a half in post-production, we are proud to present the project to Akira fans the world over. We hope to have done justice to the timeless work of Katsuhiro Otomo and look forward to, someday, seeing the full scope of the Akira story translated to the big screen as a live-action.

For more information:
Production company:

Nombre de messages : 2473
Date d'inscription : 10/04/2011

Project AKIRA Empty Re: Project AKIRA

Dim 11 Mai 2014 - 5:51
Merci pour l'info, mais ce n'est pas la bonne rubrique, ce devrait être dans 7 éme art car ça va être un film amateur.

Enfin, je suis pas modo, mais simple fan d'artbook :)

Masculin Nombre de messages : 9764
Age : 53
Localisation : Val d'Oise
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2010

Project AKIRA Empty Re: Project AKIRA

Dim 11 Mai 2014 - 6:27
Sujet déplacé dans la bonne section et Doykim prévenu via MP.  santé 

Project AKIRA Empty Re: Project AKIRA

Dim 11 Mai 2014 - 22:19
désolé pour la gourance de section  sg1 

Masculin Nombre de messages : 9764
Age : 53
Localisation : Val d'Oise
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2010

Project AKIRA Empty Re: Project AKIRA

Dim 11 Mai 2014 - 22:24
C'est pas grave, ça arrive.  Wink 
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Project AKIRA Empty Re: Project AKIRA

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