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Masculin Nombre de messages : 645
Age : 47
Localisation : Mantes la ville
Date d'inscription : 18/11/2009

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  Empty Thor Lord of asgard in his throne

Dim 10 Fév 2013 - 9:17
voici ma nouvelle statue de Thor terminée ! j'ai fait 2 têtes interchangeable une avec le casque et l'autre sans !

l'ensemble est très grand (Echelle 1/5 : 40x50 x40 cm)

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  Thorthrone1

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  Thorthrone2

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  Thorthrone3

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  Thorthrone4

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  Thorthrone5

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  Thorthrone6

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  Thorthrone7

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  Thorthrone8

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  Thorthrone9

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  Thorthrone10

Masculin Nombre de messages : 4011
Age : 42
Localisation : belgique
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2010

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  Empty Re: Thor Lord of asgard in his throne

Dim 10 Fév 2013 - 10:38
un boulot magnifique vivement la mise en couleur santé

Masculin Nombre de messages : 645
Age : 47
Localisation : Mantes la ville
Date d'inscription : 18/11/2009

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  Empty Re: Thor Lord of asgard in his throne

Sam 16 Fév 2013 - 17:56
Le voici peint !

en video :

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  13021605272970091

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  130216052730410028

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  130216052731777606

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  13021605273383949

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  13021605273464577

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  130216052735154385

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  130216052736353679

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  130216052737666865

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  130216052738911216

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  130216052740221188

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  130216052741345351

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  130216052742427414

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  130216052743708794

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  1302160527442456

Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  130216052746240801
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Thor Lord of asgard in his throne  Empty Re: Thor Lord of asgard in his throne

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