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Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition Empty Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition

Ven 17 Oct 2008 - 16:14
Titre: Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures
Date de sortie: 10 March 2009
Région: DVD Z1 et Blu-ray ?

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à venir

Format d'image: Panoramique Anamorphique 1.37:1
Audio: à venir
Sous-titres: à venir

Disc 1

• Cine-Explore (BD Exclusive)
• Disney BD-Live Network – The Disney BD-Live Network is just one of the many ways movie lovers, families, and loved ones can continue to stay connected and engage in their favorite movies (BD Exclusive)
- Movie Chat – Communicate with your remote friends on-screen while in a synchronized viewing party using your remote control or any text enabled device such as a laptop, desk top or any PDA device such as a Blackberry, iPhone or most other regular cell phones. Your chat session will appear over the movie and occur in real-time while watching the movie together.
- Movie Mail – Blu-ray owners will be able to record a personalized video message of themselves, superimpose that capture onto one of many pre-selected clips of the movie, and send it off to a friend, colleague, or relative. This specific feature enables Pinocchio Blu-ray Disc owner to personalize a very special greeting as never before.
- Movie Challenge – Users will be able to test their skills against other players in a synchronized, real-time, online trivia game while watching Pinocchio with anyone online. Movie Challenge is always active no matter what time of the day it is, and there will always be a game in progress.
- Disney Movie Rewards Live – Pinocchio Blu-ray owners will be able to accumulate Disney Movie Reward Points by participating in many Disney BD-Live Network activities. In return, viewers can redeem points for exclusive content such as Avatars, downloadable extras and many more exciting possibilities.

Disc 2

• Pinocchio Knows Trivia Challenge (BD Exclusive)
• Pinocchio's Matter of Facts - Learn fun facts about Pinocchio and other related subjects as you watch the movie
• Audio Commentary - An all-new audio commentary with Leonard Maltin, Eric Goldberg and J. B. Kaufman
• Disney Song Selection - Select this option to sing along with favorite songs as the lyrics appear onscreen
• No Strings Attached: The Making of Pinocchio - Witness the behind-the scenes magic that transformed Carlo Collodi's popular book into a classic animated film.
• Deleted Scenes
- The Story of the Grandfather Tree - Kindly Geppetto tells Pinocchio about the Great Pine Tree from which Pinocchio is descended.
- In The Belly Of The Whale - The most elaborate of Pinocchio's deleted scenes that remain in the Disney Archives, these recently discovered storyboards reveal a different version of Geppetto inside Monstro.
• Alternate Ending - A recently uncovered set of small storyboard panels reveal plans for a different version of Pinocchio becoming a real boy.
• The Sweat Box - The Sweatbox was a small projection room at the Disney studio where Walt critiqued story reels, rough animation, and dailies of films in progress with his anxious artists. This piece traces the history of the Sweatbox and brings to life this important part of Walt Disney's artistic process.
• Live Action Reference Footage
• Pinocchio Art Galleries
• Deleted Songs - An audio collection of period “pop” recordings of songs that not used in the final film.
• Pinocchio Puzzles - Hosted by Jiminy Cricket, Pinocchio's Puzzles is a multi-tiered Puzzle game that contains six unique wooden puzzles for the viewer to assemble. Each puzzle forms an image from the film that comes to life once they are complete.

Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition Empty Re: Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition

Lun 20 Oct 2008 - 20:48
Vu la qualité HALUCINANTE de la restauration de SELLEPIN BEAUTY en blu-ray je prends de suite et ne saurais que trop vous conseiller si vous êtes fans de WALT DISNEY d'en faire de même.

Le blu-ray de SLEEPING BEAUTY est un joyau qui rend enfin justice à l'un des plus grands classique du cinéma.

Masculin Nombre de messages : 33019
Age : 51
Localisation : Dans les hautes terres
Date d'inscription : 27/12/2005

Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition Empty Re: Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition

Lun 20 Oct 2008 - 20:50
Tu crois qu'ils ont fait le même boulot de fou que sur Sleeping Beauty ?

Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition Fanahi10Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition Fanahi11Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition Fanahi12

Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition Empty Re: Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition

Lun 20 Oct 2008 - 21:13
Disney c'est forcé pour la plupart de ces sortie blu-ray et même DVD non ? c'est rare que la qualité ne soit pas au rendez-vous. Je suis sur qu'il vont nous pondre une édition 70e anniversaire de très grande qualité sinon ... à quoi bon le sortir de son coffre ce Pinocchio.

Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition Empty Re: Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition

Lun 20 Oct 2008 - 21:35
Pizza a écrit:Tu crois qu'ils ont fait le même boulot de fou que sur Sleeping Beauty ?

Je le pense : l'édition est certifié 70 eme anniversaire et PLATINUM EDITION ce sera une édition de qualité égale à celle de SLEPPING BEAUTY.

Mais que SLEEPING BEAUTY est fabuleux en Blu-ray .. Tu l'as vu Pizz ?
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Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition Empty Re: Pinocchio: 70th Anniversary Platinum Edition

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