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Stargate :Continuum (Blu-ray) (Pre-order / Jul 29) Empty Stargate :Continuum (Blu-ray) (Pre-order / Jul 29)

Dim 1 Juin 2008 - 17:21

Stargate:Continuum (Blu-ray) (Pre-order/Jul 29)
Stargate :Continuum (Blu-ray) (Pre-order / Jul 29) Stargate%20continuum%20br
Stargate :Continuum (Blu-ray) (Pre-order / Jul 29) Pixel_trans

US MANUFACTURED DISC - All NON-American Customers Must Ascertain Whether This Disc Play's In Your Region. /////////////////////////////////////////////////(Technical Specs) Blu-ray BD-25 Single-Layer Disc (Video Resolution/Codec) 1080p/AVC MPEG-4 (Aspect Ratio(s) 1.78:1 (Audio Formats) English DTS-HD Lossless Master Audio 5.1 Surround French Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround (Subtitles/Captions) English SDH French Subtitles Spanish Subtitles (Supplements) Audio Commentary Featurettes (Exclusive HD Content) None / 2008 / 99 Minutes / Unrated ./////Starring: Ben Browder, Amanda Tapping, Christopher Judge Plot Synopsis: While SG-1 attends the execution of Ba’al, the last of the Goa’uld System Lords, Teal’c and Vala inexplicably disappear into thin air. Carter, Daniel and Mitchell race back to a world where history has been changed: the Stargate program has been erased from the timeline. The remaining SG-1 members must find the Stargate and set things right before they world is enslaved by the Goa’uld. Disc Features: • Audio Commentary with Executive Producer/Writer Brad Wright and Director Martin Wood • Featurettes: "The Making of Stargate: Continuum," "Stargate Goes to the Arctic," "The Layman’s Guide to Time Travel" HD Exclusive Content: None
Stargate :Continuum (Blu-ray) (Pre-order / Jul 29) Pixel_trans
For more information, please visit

Masculin Nombre de messages : 33135
Age : 51
Localisation : Dans les hautes terres
Date d'inscription : 27/12/2005

Stargate :Continuum (Blu-ray) (Pre-order / Jul 29) Empty Re: Stargate :Continuum (Blu-ray) (Pre-order / Jul 29)

Dim 1 Juin 2008 - 18:30
Merci d'éviter ce genre de "news" Wink

On y comprend que dalle c'est illisible et y'a même pas d'illustration pour ceux qui savent pas lire geek Stargate :Continuum (Blu-ray) (Pre-order / Jul 29) 998697

Stargate :Continuum (Blu-ray) (Pre-order / Jul 29) Fanahi10Stargate :Continuum (Blu-ray) (Pre-order / Jul 29) Fanahi11Stargate :Continuum (Blu-ray) (Pre-order / Jul 29) Fanahi12
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