Weta King of the Dead repaint and custom stand
Dim 30 Juin 2019 - 12:52
Weta King of the Dead repaint and custom stand. I was inspired by the scene in the movie where Gimli is walking on skulls and thought it would be nice to create a little environment for the King, the piece only cost me £50 so even if I messed it up there was not much to lose so to speak. I used modelling foam to create the ‘stylised’ stonework base, the skulls are 3D printed. Not entirely happy with end result to be honest as I feel the colours on the King are too bold, I would have preferred a more washed out/ethereal look but for the moment I’ll stick with it, too many other projects waiting in the wings! Thanks for looking and as usual apologies for poor lighting and phone images, I hope you like it and/or it inspires you to try some customising yourself.
Custom par Martin Davis.
- lurtz
- Nombre de messages : 2646
Age : 58
Localisation : isengard
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2009
Re: Weta King of the Dead repaint and custom stand
Dim 30 Juin 2019 - 12:57
vraiment top , superbe boulot
- amstaff33
- Nombre de messages : 470
Localisation : région bordelaise
Date d'inscription : 17/10/2015
Re: Weta King of the Dead repaint and custom stand
Lun 1 Juil 2019 - 19:09
le socle est magnifique
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