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Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization Empty Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization

Jeu 8 Nov 2012 - 22:31
Hi, so the maze is all done, the shaft can be put in the long as you want, also the mask is removable.

Thanks for all and please coment what you want! I will apreciate that.

Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization IMG_1250_zps2dce1d8c

Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization IMG_1259_zps8bc6fb21

Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization IMG_1258_zps9965bea4

Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization IMG_1257_zps21df862f

Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization IMG_1256_zpscf14a1e3

Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization IMG_1252_zpscf4461ab

also some updates that I can do when the maze orders are complete

Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization IMG_1331


Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization Empty Updates

Mar 13 Nov 2012 - 22:29
More updates

Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization IMG_1358

Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization IMG_1357

Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization IMG_1356

Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization IMG_1363

Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization IMG_1365

Now working on another base

Thanks to all!!

Masculin Nombre de messages : 2211
Age : 31
Localisation : Besak
Date d'inscription : 10/01/2010

Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization Empty Re: Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization

Mer 14 Nov 2012 - 9:34
Looks great man!

Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization Empty Re: Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization

Dim 9 Déc 2012 - 21:27
Taking orders for the maze, both hands and full maze painted 50 € plus shipping , also option to send unpainted with less price, please drop me a line if interested, not make a long turn on it.

Thanks for all

Also interested in other options of the other head or crowbar with mask, drop me a line.

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Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization Empty Re: Joker mallet for sideshow PF and complete customization

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