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Chevron 7.6 Empty Chevron 7.6

Sam 13 Nov 2010 - 19:01
6th-8th May 2011 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole

Chevron 7.6 Rda10

Chevron 7.6 Teryl10

Chevron 7.6 Empty Re: Chevron 7.6

Sam 13 Nov 2010 - 19:04
wooooo ça rigole pas Shocked Shocked

Chevron 7.6 Empty Re: Chevron 7.6

Sam 13 Nov 2010 - 19:05
Pour que je crée un sujet sur ce site il fallait bien ca =)

Au cas ou :

Chevron 7.6 Empty Re: Chevron 7.6

Sam 13 Nov 2010 - 19:23
Pourvu qu'il y ait pas de désistements de RDA. Chevron 7.6 150412

Chevron 7.6 Empty Re: Chevron 7.6

Sam 13 Nov 2010 - 19:30
y en a un qui va nous faire une crise cardiaque ... Kiki si tu nous entend prends ta pillule Chevron 7.6 508921

mouais on va attendre un peu avant de se réjouir, par contre sympa le système de dédicace de RDA :

Standard Adult Programme at £88 **
Standard Child Programme at £29*
Silver Programme at £175 - Limited in numbers!
Gold Programme at £245 - Limited to only 150!

* This program has been designed for younger children accompanying an adult already attending the event. This program is for children aged 7-10, there is free entry to children under 7. This programme does not include any guest autographs.

** Please note that the main change in the programme admissions is that standard programme holders will receive their autograph of Richard Dean Anderson as one that he has signed before the event. Only Gold and Silver programme holders will actually have their autograph signed by Richard in front of them.

si c'est pour ça, autant acheter un autographe sur le net Evil or Very Mad

Chevron 7.6 Empty Re: Chevron 7.6

Sam 13 Nov 2010 - 19:36
j-bourne a écrit:y en a un qui va nous faire une crise cardiaque ... Kiki si tu nous entend prends ta pillule Chevron 7.6 508921

mouais on va attendre un peu avant de se réjouir, par contre sympa le système de dédicace de RDA :

Standard Adult Programme at £88 **
Standard Child Programme at £29*
Silver Programme at £175 - Limited in numbers!
Gold Programme at £245 - Limited to only 150!

* This program has been designed for younger children accompanying an adult already attending the event. This program is for children aged 7-10, there is free entry to children under 7. This programme does not include any guest autographs.

** Please note that the main change in the programme admissions is that standard programme holders will receive their autograph of Richard Dean Anderson as one that he has signed before the event. Only Gold and Silver programme holders will actually have their autograph signed by Richard in front of them.

si c'est pour ça, autant acheter un autographe sur le net Evil or Very Mad

Alors là effectivement c'est du grand n'importe quoi!!!
Si c'est pour ça, autant aller à Fedcon Wink

Chevron 7.6 Empty Re: Chevron 7.6

Sam 13 Nov 2010 - 19:40
Ca change un peu la donne...

A voir pour les autres guests.

Masculin Nombre de messages : 11676
Age : 44
Localisation : Sur le forum, pardi !! kilecon !
Date d'inscription : 27/12/2005

Chevron 7.6 Empty Re: Chevron 7.6

Dim 30 Jan 2011 - 8:13
latest Guest Announcement - Fulvio Cecere

Chevron 7.6 Fu_LtThorne
Contenu sponsorisé

Chevron 7.6 Empty Re: Chevron 7.6

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