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RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1) Empty RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1)

Ven 25 Aoû 2006 - 10:11
(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1)

RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1) Reservoirdogsusa01kf7

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RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1) Reservoirdogs


Reservoir Dogs: 15th Anniversary Edition

Lionsgate Home Entertainment has sent us full details for their upcoming Reservoir Dogs: 15th Anniversary Edition. Due on October 24th, the two-disc set will include a newly remastered anamorphic widescreen transfer (thank goodness, 'cause the last one sucked), Dolby Digital 5.1 EX and DTS-ES 6.1 tracks.

Bonus materials will include select scene audio commentary, deleted scenes, a "Pulp Factoids Viewer" featuring insider info about the film and sources of inspiration, a "Playing It Fast and Loose" documentary studying the impact and ripple effect of the film, "Profiling the Reservoir Dogs" (a perspective of the criminal minds of the film's characters) and "Tipping Guide" (proper tipping etiquette Reservoir Dogs style) featurettes, K Billy's Sounds of the 70s and vintage interviews with Quentin Tarantino and others. The packaging comes in a limited edition matchbook case with a photo gallery, along with an outer metal case in the shape of a gasoline can. Retail is $19.98

RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1) Empty Re: RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1)

Ven 25 Aoû 2006 - 10:14
A mon avis vu le prix sa sent l'arnaque je veux dire par la que le boitier ne doit pas etre en metal Wink

RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1) Empty Re: RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1)

Ven 25 Aoû 2006 - 10:32
commandé :bounce:

RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1) Empty Re: RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1)

Sam 26 Aoû 2006 - 16:52
J'ai déjè l'édition collector donc je prend pas mais le packaging est excelent. ❤

RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1) Empty Re: RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1)

Mar 29 Aoû 2006 - 15:54
kayoken a écrit:J'ai déjè l'édition collector donc je prend pas mais le packaging est excelent. ❤
+1 cheers

RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1) Empty Re: RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1)

Mer 18 Oct 2006 - 13:04
RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1) 1160988223pict0017ny1
RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1) 1160988277pict0019dd8
RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1) 1160988304pict0020ww7
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RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1) Empty Re: RESERVOIR DOGS -(Limited Edition Gasoline Can Packaging R1)

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